Saturday, May 1, 2010

Are You Ready For Your Newborn?

If you are pregnant a lot of things must be going on in your head, especially what you will need for your newborn. It is important to be ready before you bring your newborn baby home because once you get home you will be busy with some many other things. You already will be tired and anxious about how to take care of your new baby so the less stress the better.

Now is not the time to be making a list and having to go shopping for baby things. You should be already be stocked up and have on hand at least the basics of what you will need prior to bringing you newborn home. The more preparation you do the more it will cut down on the stress, worrying and rushing around. To get you ready here are some tips that will help prepare you for the big day so you can have an easier, smoother time during the first few months.

One of the first things people stock up on is the baby clothes. Having enough change of clothes so you do not have to run to the washer so often. Don't waste your money on a lots of expensive clothes because you newborn will be drooling and throwing up on the clothes and not to mention diaper leaks. Just make sure the clothes are made for babies and that it's comfortable, safe, durable and washable. A few nice sets of clothes are alright but watch out for things like strings and buttons. The same goes for the baby blankets; comfort and safety should come before appearance.

Of course you will need diapers. Keep in mind that your baby will grow and that diapers comes in different sizes. If you are planning on going with cloth diapers make sure you have plenty on stock at all times. If you are going with disposable ones then you have to keep your baby's weight and size in mind and do not buy too many at a time. Remember your baby will grow fast so keep track of her size and weight.

Breastfeeding your newborn is the best, but you will still need bottles. Bottles come in different sizes so make sure you get the ones for a newborn. Baby bottles are made by many different companies. Each company makes bottles with different features and they have their own ideas on what kind of bottle is best for a baby. Which ever bottle you choose does not matter the size is the most important factor.

Those are the basics and here are other things that your baby will need on a daily basis. You will need washcloths and soap for bathing, wiping and cleaning your baby. A suction cleaner for your baby's nose is an important tool and don't forget the soft q-tips and baby lotion. Remember these things are for your baby so make sure you get those items that are made especially for newborn and not just grab your made for adult items from your supply.

Also having some toys like rattles and stuffed animals on hand is a great idea. When your newborn is not resting these things can keep your baby from getting bored and it stimulates her mind at the same time. A colorful mobile above your baby's crib is a great idea. Babies are curious about their surroundings and their brains are developing all the time so the more different kinds of stimulation for her the better. Different bright colors, sounds textures and even smell ads to her cognitive development. Just make sure that the things you let your baby touch and play with are safe items especially when you are not in the room. Safety for your baby always should come first.

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